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Pet Cleaning Services in Olympia, WA

cat According to the ASPCA, approximately 40% of American households have cats and/or dogs. Clearly we love our pets and cherish the joy they bring us. But they also bring some challenges for some of us in the form of urine, vomit and destruction of flooring. For some of you you find yourself at your wit’s end trying to cope with the problems primarily with allergies and your pet using your carpet as a lawn. Many professional carpet cleaners leverage their position as a savior for you by offering to “clean and deodorize” your home for an unguaranteed fee.

A common scenario is a homeowner with a cat with a urinary tract infection (UTI) and she starts to pee in the corner of your living room causing unbearable odor issues. So not knowing much about the science of correcting the matter you call any carpet cleaning company and pay nearly anything for them to clean and deodorize your carpet. Some unscrupulous or ignorant cleaners will charge you, say $75, to deodorize your carpet by spraying some magical fragrance on it and tell you this service comes with no guarantees. A week later you still smell urine! You are very upset and have no recourse with the company because they told you “no guarantees”! We have seen this scenario way more than a few times.

How DRYEX approaches the matter – make an informed decision

Rug Repair

dog The first rule in odor control is to remove the source of odor i.e. the urine. We typically do NOT rely on a black light to locate the urine because they can render false positives. In other words, if an old urine deposit was correctly rectified it will still fluoresce under a black light. Rather we use a moisture meter. Why? even if the urine is ten years old it still has salts in it that are hydrophilic or water-loving and self wet themselves enough to set off a moisture meter. They draw the humidity out of the air and therefore become more pronounced on humid days or after being wet cleaned.

Once we locate all the “wet spots” we can use a process called subsurface extraction to remove and neutralize the urine. The trick to success is finding all the deposits.

We encourage you to deliberately smell the hot spot to give your brain an affirmative “before” impression and then upon completion we ask you to do the same to analyze the results with an “after” impression. If you are satisfied, we are. If you are not we will continue to work until you are.

Because! We cannot guarantee odor control after we leave for three reasons:

  1. We cannot control the pet’s behavior after we leave. That is your task.
  2. We cannot control your psychological odor impressions. The mind is a fickle one.
  3. Lastly we cannot be 100% sure that we found all the spots without pulling up the carpet and inspecting the reverse for urine rings.
    But! We will not leave until you are satisfied that your before and after impressions are solid. So in a way, we do guarantee odor control.

Cats tend to be easier to correct than dogs because they seek privacy on the perimeter of the room. Dogs tend to go randomly all over the place and their urine is less pungent than cat’s.

As far as allergies go, our process is very though in removing allergens because we use a pile lifter (two counter-rotating brushes) to gently remove all the fur and dander a vacuuming cannot extract. Then we extract it with rocket-hot on board softened water at incredibly high lift or vacuum capability.

Lastly- some situations are “totaled” and you would be wise to simply replace the carpet rather than spent a mint on salvaging it. We will recommend this if it is called for after our analysis and we can help you with that replacement too.

Just feel comfortable that there is nothing we cannot do including removing urine in fine oriental rugs or even leather furniture. Between the two of us you will know in extreme detail where you stand when it comes to odor and allergy situations. So please call us today to start yourself on the path to recovery!